Tourism and socio-spatial segregation: an analysis in the tourist destination Trancoso (Porto Seguro/BA)
Socio-spatial segregation is the result of social inequality, being characterized by the marginalization of individuals in space, so that they are directed to locations far from centers and from areas valued by the market to others that normally have gaps in terms of basic services and necessary infrastructure. Given this, the present research aimed to identify aspects of socio-spatial segregation between tourist spaces and neighborhoods in the district of Trancoso, in Porto Seguro, Bahia. To achieve this, a literary review on socio-spatial segregation and tourism was necessary. The methodology used was based on bibliographical research and field research where some neighborhoods were described through direct non-participant observation and compared, such as: Quadrado, Centro, Trancosinho, Maria Viúva and Mirante do Rio Verde. Several aspects were identified, including: street paving, garbage collection, water supply, sewage disposal and the profile of residences, which change or no longer exist as you move away from the Quadrado tourist area towards other neighborhoods. Furthermore, it was revealed that Trancoso as a whole is segregated in relation to the Porto Seguro headquarters, so that public management opens gaps for the tourist market, which assumes a vertical role in the district, conveniently interfering in works and services. It was noted that within the segregated place itself there are segregations, the verticalities that occupy the Quadrado make it a structurally privileged place in relation to other neighborhoods or horizontalities, thus it is the place that receives the greatest attention from the public authorities, as it is a a tourist space.
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