Reputation analysis of Brotas (Brazil) rafting attributes on a collaborative travel platform
Rafting is a characteristic activity of adventure tourism, and is one of the main activities in Brotas-SP, one of the main adventure destinations in Brazil. In this context, a survey was conducted to analyze participants' opinions in rafting in Brotas-SP through their opinions registered on TripAdvisor's collaborative travel platform. The 689 reviews present on the platform during the research period had their content analyzed. The results showed that approximately 99.42% of TripAdvisor users were satisfied with the experience they had. In addition, 63.00% of tourists had a positive experience with the guides and other employees of the rafting operators, transmitting feelings of attention, excellence, safety and professionalism to 23.47% of the participants. The results showed similarity with the opinions of users of other adventure tourism destinations in nature who used the same platform. Finally, the importance of human relations in tourism is highlighted, one of the main aspects most highly evaluated in the opinions registered on TripAdvisor.
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