About the Journal

Editorial Policies


Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to all of its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Such access is associated with increased readership and increased citation of an author's work. For more information on this approach, see the Public Knowledge Project and Directory of Open Access Journals.

We define open access journals as journals that use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access. From the BOAI definition of "open access" we take the right of users to "read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles" as mandatory for a journal to be included in the directory.

Peer Review Process

Contributions that comply with the Instructions to Authors will be forwarded to the editors, who will assign two reviewers who are specialists on the theme addressed. Peer-reviewing is an entirely anonymous process. Once appraised, the manuscripts will be forwarded to the editors, who will consider publishing them based on the reviewers’ assessment and remarks. Manuscripts rejected, but which can be improved by reworking, may be changed and resubmitted as new submissions, being subject to the normal reviewing process. Those accepted on the condition that the reviewers’ remarks be addressed will be reassessed by the same reviewers. Manuscripts sent to the authors for revision must be returned to the editors within 30 days, otherwise the submission process will be terminated.

Publication Frequency

Orbital: The Electronic Journal of Chemistry is a quarterly scientific journal published by the Institute of Chemistry of the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Original contributions (in English) are welcome, which focus on all areas of Chemistry (including Chemistry Education and History) and their interfaces with Pharmacy, Biology, and Physics. The journal also publishes a number of special issues in addition to the regular ones.


Focus and Scope

Orbital: The Electronic Journal of Chemistry is a quarterly scientific journal published by the Institute of Chemistry of the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Original contributions (in English) are welcome, which focus on all areas of Chemistry and their interfaces with Pharmacy, Biology, and Physics. Neither authors nor readers have to pay fees. The journal has an editorial team of scientists drawn from regions throughout Brazil and world, ensuring high standards for the texts published. The following categories are available for contributions:

  1. Full papers
  2. Reviews
  3. Tutorial reviews
  4. Papers on Education
  5. History of Chemistry
  6. Short communications
  7. Technical notes
  8. Letters to the Editor
  9. Orbital bio

The Orbital journal also publishes a number of special issues in addition to the regular ones.

The central objectives of Orbital are threefold:

  1. to provide the general scientific community (at regional, Brazilian, and worldwide levels) with a formal channel for the communication and dissemination of the Chemistry-related literature output by publishing original papers based on solid research and by reporting contributions which further knowledge in the field;
  2. to provide the community with open, free access to the full content of the journal, and
  3. to constitute a valuable channel for the dissemination of Chemistry-related investigations.


Section Policies


These should encourage constructive discussion between readers and authors and may concern any scientific topic relevant to the purposes of the journal, including critical discussion of recently published papers; in this case, Letters submitted by readers will be forwarded to the authors in question inviting responses to the readers’ appraisal or critique. Letters to the Editor will be published at the sole discretion of the Editorial Team and only after a response from the authors has been obtained.

Full papers report the results of original investigations and should be structured in the usual order of presentation, comprising Introduction, Results and Discussion, Experimental section (which may either precede or follow Results and Discussion), Conclusions, Acknowledgments, and References, according to the specificities of each manuscript.

This category encompasses reflective articles and analyses of the literature output, outlining the progress and state-of-the-art in particular areas of Chemistry, from the specialist’s perspective.

Destinated especially to graduate and undergraduate students, tutorial reviews explore important topics in chemistry, physics, both or any pertinent area. It should serve as a first reference for anyone who is new to a specific research field. It is destinated to offer the first instruction about this field. Tutorial reviews are normally published after invitation, but Orbital editorial board will study tutorial reviews proposal. Tutorial reviews should contain the seminal papers or at least those at the origins of the theme, its most important references as well as a short description of changes, improvements and consequences for chemistry. It should contain no mora than 100 references and preferably no more than 15000 words. Specialist terms or what one would call “jargon” should be avoided or at least explained very clearly. It should contain a short abstract presenting the main interest of the topic for all the audiences.

The focus of papers on Education is the teaching of Chemistry with dissemination of innovative experiences at all levels of schooling, from elementary to higher education (undergraduate and graduate programs). Short communications of accounts of academic or professional experience, also fall into this category.

This section is destined to publishing articles about History of Chemistry.

Shorter texts (of up to four pages) on scientific investigations under way, reporting preliminary results achieved to date. Their purpose is to speed up communication regarding ongoing lines of investigation that have led to recent breakthroughs in particular areas of Chemistry.

Technical notes are reports on methods, techniques, equipment, or accessories developed at the authors’ laboratory.

Orbital bios is a space dedicated to honor our great chemists, alive or not, Brazilian or not, for their accomplishments and their contribution to the development of Chemistry in Brazil. Bios should be no longer than 4000 words, and contain pictures preferably. They should present the main achievements of the biographed scientist and how these contributions reverberated in the academy and in society. His/her scientific lineage should be presented too. Orbital will welcome names suggestions, and will contact close people of the nominees to write these biographies.


Indexing & Abstracting

WEBQUALIS - CAPES (for Brazilian authors)

Orbital is associated to ABEC - Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos


Author Templates

Texts should be structured according to the type of contribution chosen, using the templates provided below: