Orbital - Vol. 14 No. 2 - April-June 2022

Synthesis and Solvatochromism of Oxazolone Derivative: Combining Organic Synthesis and Physical Organic Chemistry in a Single Experiment

Taianne D’Angelo Korb
Dept. of Chemistry, UNIOESTE, Toledo, Paraná, Brazil
Lucia Helena Franco Martires da Costa
Dept. of Chemistry, UNIOESTE, Toledo, Paraná, Brazil
Mauricio Ferreira da Rosa
Dept. of Chemistry, UNIOESTE, Toledo, Paraná, Brazil
Published July 17, 2022
  • Absorption spectra,
  • Azlactones,
  • Experimental class,
  • Solvent effects,
  • Spectroscopy
How to Cite
Korb, T. D.; da Costa, L. H. F. M.; da Rosa, M. F. Synthesis and Solvatochromism of Oxazolone Derivative: Combining Organic Synthesis and Physical Organic Chemistry in a Single Experiment . Orbital: Electron. J. Chem. 2022, 14, 134-138.


This work presents a proposal of experimental activity involving organic synthesis and solvatochromism of an organic molecule, correlating the content of organic chemistry and physical organic chemistry. This experiment presents a good opportunity to work with the classroom some of the content related to the mechanisms of organic reactions and the relationship between energy, electronic states, solute-solvent interactions, spectroscopy, among others in the area of physical chemistry, thus integrating knowledge. Experimentally, we synthesized through the Plöchl-Erlenmeyer method the oxazolonic derivative 4-[(p-N,N-dimethylamino)benzylidene]-2-phenyloxazole-5-one (AZA2) with good yield (78%), while the solvatochromic study showed that this derivative presented reverse solvatochromism; since in non-hydroxyl solvents it presented positive solvatochromism, but in protic solvents it presented negative solvatochromism. These different behaviors can be justified by the different solute-solvent interactions existing in each medium, which favors the prevalence of different mesomeric structures.