Orbital - Vol. 8 No. 2 - January-March 2016

Modelagem Matemática da Solubilização dos Polímeros Condutores por Meio de Processos Polimeranalógicos

Volodymyr Tkach
Universidade Nacional de Chernivtsi
Vasyl´ Nechyporuk
Chernivtsi National University
Petro Ivanovych Yagodynets´
Chernivtsi National University
Olena Aksimentyeva
L´viv National University
Ana S. M. Rodrigues Conde
Universidade do Porto
Aline M. da Rocha
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Reza Ojani
University of Mazandaran
Published April 4, 2016
  • conducting polymers,
  • solubilization,
  • electrophilic substitution,
  • self-doping,
  • stable steady-state
How to Cite
Tkach, V.; Nechyporuk, V.; Yagodynets´P. I.; Aksimentyeva, O.; Conde, A. S. M. R.; da Rocha, A. M.; Ojani, R. Modelagem Matemática Da Solubilização Dos Polímeros Condutores Por Meio De Processos Polimeranalógicos. Orbital: Electron. J. Chem. 2016, 8, 102-107.


The transition of conducting polymer from insoluble to the soluble state by chemical and electrochemical way, experimentally observed, gains its mathematical representation by means of the developed model, which was described and analyzed by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. It was shown that the influence on the behavior of the system may come not only of strongly acid media and the presence of surfactants, but also of electrophilic substitution and self-doping. Also, the behavior of the system has been compared by the electrosynthesis of conducting polymers, non-accompanied by solubilization.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v8i2.621