Orbital - Vol. 16 No. 1 - January-March 2024

The Implementation of the Case Method with Blooket Media to Enhance Student Learning Outcomes in Radiochemical Material

Heru Christianto
Nusa Cendana University
Arvinda Cenorita Lalang
Nusa Cendana University
Dorthea Maria Woga Nay
Nusa Cendana University
Published May 3, 2024
  • Case Method,
  • Blooket Media,
  • Learning Outcome,
  • Radiochemistry
How to Cite
Christianto, H.; Lalang, A. C.; Nay, D. M. W. The Implementation of the Case Method With Blooket Media to Enhance Student Learning Outcomes in Radiochemical Material . Orbital: Electron. J. Chem. 2024, 16, 62-67.


Research related to the implementation of learning models to improve the quality of learning continues to be carried out in line with changes in the applicable curriculum. The selection of the right learning model with the help of fun game media is the basis for this research, so that learning becomes more meaningful and not boring. This is a quasi-experimental study using a "nonrandomized pretest-posttest control group design."  Before the t-test, a prerequisite test was carried out in the form of a normality test (using the Liliefors test) and a homogeneity test (using the Levene test). In addition to hypothesis testing, this study also calculated the score increase (N-Gain) from the pretest and posttest data. The t count value is 2.88, while the t table value at = 0.05 with dk = 51 is 1.67. The hypothesis is supported because the t count value is greater than the t table value (2.88 > 1.67). In addition to the t count and t table values, the r2 = 0.1403 value was examined.  This coefficient value of 14.03% indicates the level of effect of employing the case method with blooket media on increasing student learning outcomes in the Radiochemistry subject.