Orbital - Vol. 15 No. 4 - October-December 2023

The Theoretical Description for Cenobamate CuS-Assisted Electrochemical Determination in Pharmaceutical Formulations and Wastewater

Volodymyr Tkach
Chernivtsi National University
Tetiana Morozova
National Transport University
Viktoriia Khrutba
National Transport University
Andrii Hlukhonets
National Transport University
Marta Kushnir
Chernivtsi National University
Yana Ivanushko
Bukovinian State Medical University
Viktor Kryvetskyi
Bukovinian State Medical University
Inna Kryvetska
Bukovinian State Medical University
Igor Kryvetskyi
Bukovinian State Medical University
Petro Yagodynets
Chernivtsi National University
Mykhailo Kucher
Volyn National University
Zholt Kormosh
Volyn National University
Maria João Monteiro
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Published January 3, 2024
  • epilepsy,
  • cenobamate,
  • copper sulfide nanoparticles,
  • electrochemical sensors,
  • stable steady-state
How to Cite
Volodymyr Tkach; Morozova, T.; Khrutba, V.; Hlukhonets, A.; Kushnir, M.; Ivanushko, Y.; Kryvetskyi, V.; Kryvetska, I.; Kryvetskyi, I.; Yagodynets, P.; Kucher, M.; Kormosh, Z.; Chikun, N.; Monteiro, M. J. The Theoretical Description for Cenobamate CuS-Assisted Electrochemical Determination in Pharmaceutical Formulations and Wastewater. Orbital: Electron. J. Chem. 2024, 15, 198-201.


For the first time, the theoretical description for cenobamate antiepileptic drug on anode, assisted by copper sulfide nanoparticles in alkaline medium, has been given. Two mechanisms, involving either tetrazolic ring, or the carbocyclic aromatic moiety, are possible for this process, reason why the concentration of the drug will be identified and quantified by two peaks. Despite of the mechanism hybrid nature, both of the peaks will produce an easy interpretable analytical signal, being thereby possible to confirm the efficiency of the electroanalytical signal.