For a Problematized Mathematics: The Orders of (Re)Invention
We open this essay by contrasting two modes of mathematics exposition: the order of structure, corresponding to the organization according to logical implications and legitimation criteria accepted today; and the orders of invention, referenced in various ways of knowledge production mobilized in practices today recognized as mathematics. We relate these views to an opposition between two perspectives on mathematics, determined by radically different ontologies of the problem category. In the first, theorems are considered as a central category and problems as transitory deficiency states. The second, called problematized mathematics, understands problems from a nature transcendent to solutions, and considers them as the only a-priori of mathematics. We discuss reverberations of these perspectives in mathematics teaching, in epistemological dimensions of mathematics and teaching practices. We reclaim shifts in senses of “error” and “non-understanding” as degrees of knowledge, situating them as possibilities of casting other understandings, which produce, in incompleteness and unfinishing, the orders of (re)invention.
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