Disability, Economy and the Limits of Inclusive Education

  • Rossi DSouza Homi Bhabha Ceentre for Science Education - TIFR


This report arises from my 5 year long and ongoing research study with blind children in a learning centre located in Mumbai. I highlight certain difficult situations that I encountered albeit with a specific aim of presenting the contradictions they revealed. I focus on the case of two of my students who although scored well in their exams and aspired to pursue higher mathematics ended up having to give up their mathematical aspirations. Through reflecting on these stories and the contradictions they revealed, I question to what extent is the problem of disability just a matter of ableist discrimination. A conclusion of the research presented in this article is that the economic dimension of disability and exclusion poses limits to how much ableism can be addressed through the route of special education.


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Cómo citar
DSOUZA, R. Disability, Economy and the Limits of Inclusive Education. Perspectivas da Educação Matemática, v. 11, n. 27, 28 feb. 2019.
Diversidade, Diferença e Inclusão em Educação Matemática