OS Musical timbres in teaching with babies: perspectives of teaching narratives


The present article was developed from an empirical master's research having as its theme music in the early childhood education curriculum, specifically in the nursery context, in which the relevance of music for the development of the human being is pointed out from the earliest age. age. This is evidenced as a language that enhances knowledge to be worked on in early childhood education, through playful and creative practices, providing sound, psicomotor, affective, cultural and social stimuli in the context of nurses through interactions and games. Music became a mandatory curricular component in basic education from Law 11.769 of 2008 and its importance is evidenced from documents such as RCNEI (BRASIL, 1998), DCNEI (BRASIL, 2009) to the BNCC (BRASIL, 2017) which bring guidelines and contributions to the teaching practice involving this language. Therefore, the referred study aimed to understand the construction process of the musical language in the nursery, from the teaching narratives. Methodologically, this study is characterized by the narrative approach (CLANDININ; CONNELY, 2011), adopting the procedures for obtaining data from the narrative interview. The data produced were analyzed using Discursive Textual Analysis (MORAES; GALIAZZI, 2016). The results indicate that the teaching practice with music in the nursery is based on the daily importance of the babies, arising from the family environment in amplitude with the teaching practices in the educational space, emphasizing the of the relationship and participation of the families in the school routine. The musical language comes from the sound exploration of the percussion of bodies, in everyday situations and learning, which is practiced in the dichotomy between caring and educating, with educational purposes providing knowledge and integral development of babies. Keywords: Music. Nursery. Teaching narratives.

Author Biography

Daniele Dorotéia Rocha da Silva de Lima, UFPA
Doutora em Educação em Ciências e Matemática (PPGECM-UFPA). Mestra em Educação PPGED (UFRN). Docente do Instituto de Ciências da Educação(ICED/UFPA) e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Currículo e Gestão da Escola Básica (PPEB/UFPA). Líder do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa sobre Infâncias e Educação (INFANCE). Coordenadora de Integração Estudantil (CIE/SAEST/UFPA).