The importance of flexibility of methodologies in Geography for the teaching of Austistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • Vitória de Jesus Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Campus de Aquidauana (UFMS/CPAQ)
  • Luan Francisco de Carvalho
  • Rita de Fátima da Silva Rosas de Castro


The present work intends to present to the regent teacher possible uses of methodologies for the teaching of School Geography for the student with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), detecting the importance of applying a predecessor method to the methodology as an effective way of pointing out individualized didactic-pedagogical paths for familiarity with the categories of analysis of Geography. In this way, we seek to understand if there is efficiency in the practices usually adopted, promoting the intellectual inclusion of the group in the room within its particular specificities. Therefore, it is expected to contribute to Special Education in order to make the teaching of geographic science more flexible.