Digital Technology: Support to the Theory of Semiotic Representation Records in the Resolution of 1st Degree Equations

Keywords: Digital Technologies., Equations of the 1st Degree., Semiotic Representations.


In this article, we analyze the contributions of the digital learning object “Balança” to minimize the difficulties of 3rd year high school students in solving 1st grade equations. This text originated from the reflections carried out during the Professional Master's research in Basic Education Practices, which occurred throughout the application of the didactic sequence proposed for the investigation. As theoretical contributions, we adopted Duval's studies (2006, 2011, 2012, 2013), on the Theory of Semiotic Representation Records, and Zabala's (1998) conceptions, about the didactic sequence as an educational practice. To interpret the collected data, we considered the qualitative method of Content Analysis, by Bardin (1977). The results found in the analysis revealed that the digital object used supported the reflections on the concept of 1st degree equation, allowing students to know and ascertain the potential of this resource in the understanding and resolution of those equations. In addition, the importance of the teacher's intervention during the activities with the students was evident.

Author Biographies

Rosiméri Corrêa França, Colégio Pedro II

Mestra em Práticas em Educação Básica pelo Colégio Pedro II/CPII-RJ. Professora de Matemática das redes municipal e estadual do Rio de janeiro. E-mail: ORCID:

Edite Resende Vieira, Colégio Pedro II

Doutora em Educação Matemática pela Universidade Anhanguera de São Paulo. Brasil. Docente do Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Práticas de Educação Básica do Colégio Pedro II/CPII – RJ. E-mail: ORCID:


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How to Cite
FRANÇA, R. C.; VIEIRA, E. R. Digital Technology: Support to the Theory of Semiotic Representation Records in the Resolution of 1st Degree Equations. Perspectivas da Educação Matemática, v. 15, n. 37, p. 1-19, 14 Mar. 2022.