Análise de Erros na Produção dos Alunos na Prova da 12ª edição da OBMEP: o Caso das Escolas do Oeste do Pará - Brasil
The objective of this investigation was to analyze errors made in the twelfth test of the Brazilian Olympiad of Mathematics in Public Schools-OBMEP by students of the public schools from Pará’s western region, who were in the 8th and 9th grades of elementary school, in the perspective of Error analysis methodology. For this purpose, a sample of 620 tests from a universe of 1477 was taken. The subject evaluated was Arithmetic (numbers and operations), discussed in question 4 of the test. From the analysis of the solutions, the errors were classified according to their type (errors due to misinterpretation, deficiency in basic concepts, unfamiliarity with multiples and numerical sequences and application of mistaken knowledge) and some examples were examined and discussed. The main results point to fragilities in the learning of multiples, divisors and basic operations, as well as strategies of resolution misused, besides difficulties presented by the students in the interpretation of the command of the question.
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