Focus and Scope

Aimed at strengthening and deepening the links between academics, professors, students and researchers, the UFMS Law Review is open to receive papers with the most diverse theoretical, practical and methodological approaches, including interdisciplinary approaches, which fall within the "Human and Fundamental Rights” thematic axis.

In this sense, the journal now presented to the scientific community will accept contributions that identify such rights and how they materialize, facing the notions of freedom, equality, solidarity, citizenship, democracy and social justice, as well as weaving analyzes on the most diverse Legal, social and political mechanisms used to guarantee these rights at domestic and international levels.

Peer Review Process

All submitted papers will first be evaluated by the editor, who will examine the adequacy of the paper to the journal’s editorial line and the elementary formal and methodological aspects, among others, and who will also consider the available space for publication.

After this step, the text will be sent to at least two reviewers by the double blind peer review system, which guarantees the privacy of authors and evaluators, so that the text’s form and content are analyzed in accordance with the criterias previously established by the Editorial Board. After analyzing the submitted papers, the evaluators will provide the authors a feedback concerning their article/review.

Publication Frequency

The publication has biennial periodicity.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that providing free scientific knowledge to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.

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