This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original, unpublished and is not being evaluated for the publication in another magazine; otherwise, it must be justified in “Commentaries to the editor”.

  • The archive of submission is in Microsoft Word format.

  • URLs for the references were informed when possible.

  • The text has 1,5cm spacing; uses font 12; employs italic instead of underlined (except in URL addresses); the figures and tables are inserted in the text and not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.

  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in “Direction for authors”, on the “About the Journal” page. The references are in the AUTHOR/DATA format.

  • In case of the submission to a section with evaluation by the pairs (example: articles), the instruction available in “Securing the evaluation by blind pairs” were followed.

  • No fees will be charged for the submission of articles or for its publication.

Author Guidelines

I. ARTICLES (without the identification of the authors) must contain:


a) Title in English and Portuguese or Spanish: centralized in the page, capital letters, bold font;

b) Abstract of up to 500 words in Portuguese/Spanish and English: simple space, font 12, justified;

c) 03 (three) to 05 (five) keyword in English and Portuguese or Spanish, separated by semicolon;

d) Summary (Introduction, development, conclusion and references), with numbered elements in Arabic numerals, with the exception of the conclusion and references, that must not be numbered;

e) Number of pages: 15 to 25 pages;

f) The articles must be typed in:

- Text Editor: Microsoft Word

- Format: A4 (21,0 x29,7 cm), vertical position

- Font: Times New Roman

- Size: 12

- Alignment: Justified, without separation of syllables

- Spacing between lines: 1,5 cm

- Paragraph: 1,25 cm

- Margins: Superior and left -3 cm; Inferior e right -2 cm

g) The references to the quoted oeuvres must follow the AUTHOR/DATE system of reference.

h) Transcription with up to 03 (three) lines in the body of the article must be enclosed in double quotation marks. Transcriptions with more than 03 (three lines must be detached with indentation of 4cm of the left margin, with font 11 and without quotation marks.

i) At the end of the text, in the References, exclusively the oeuvres quoted in the article must be indicated. They must be uniformed in accordance with the present ABNT norms.


II. REVIEWS OF CURRENT PAPERS (without the identification of the authors) must contain:


a) Between 05 and 15 pages, with the following structure:

b) Title and subtitle (same as the norms applied to the articles)

c) The reviews must be typed in:

- Text Editor: Microsoft Word

- Format: A4 (21,0 x29,7 cm), vertical position

- Font: Times New Roman

- Size: 12

- Alignment: Justified, without separation of syllables

- Spacing between lines: 1,5 cm

- Paragraph: 1,25 cm

- Margins: Superior and left -3 cm; Inferior e right -2 cm

d) The bibliographic reference of the reviewed material must be presented before the review's text.

e) The body of the text must be initiated three lines below the bibliographic reference of the reviewed material.

f) The other texts quoted in the review must appear in complete reference at the end of the review e must meet the ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Norms) requirements.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.