Orbital - Vol. 13 No. 3 - April-June 2021

The Theoretical Description for a Sucralose Electrochemical Cathodical Determination over a 9-9´-Diacridyl-modified Electrode

Volodymyr V. Tkach
Chernivtsi National University
Marta V. Kushnir
Chernivtsi National University
Silvio Cesar de Oliveira
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
Mykhailo P. Zavhorodnii
Khortytsia National Academy
Oleksandr A. Brazhko
Zaporizhzhia National University
Maryna M. Kornet
Zaporizhzhia National University
Olga V. Luganska
Zaporizhzhia National University
Vira V. Kopiika
Zaporizhzhia National University
Yana G. Ivanushko
Bukovinian State Medical University
Mariia P. Mytchenok
Bukovinian State Medical University
Oleksandra V. Ahafonova
Bukovinian State Medical University
Petro I. Yagodynets´
Chernivtsi National University
Zholt O. Kormosh
Eastern Ukrainian National University
Lucinda Vaz dos Reis
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Quinta de Prados
Graphical abstract
Published July 6, 2021
  • Sucralose, 9-9´-diacridyl,
  • Electrochemical sensors,
  • Electrochemical oscillations,
  • Stable steady-state
How to Cite
Tkach, V. V.; Kushnir, M. V.; de Oliveira, S. C.; Zavhorodnii, M. P.; Brazhko, O. A.; Kornet, M. M.; Luganska, O. V.; Kopiika, V. V.; Ivanushko, Y. G.; Mytchenok, M. P.; Ahafonova, O. V.; Yagodynets´P. I.; Kormosh, Z. O.; dos Reis, L. V. The Theoretical Description for a Sucralose Electrochemical Cathodical Determination over a 9-9´-Diacridyl-Modified Electrode. Orbital: Electron. J. Chem. 2021, 13, 219-222.


A novel electroanalytical process for sucralose determination has been theoretically suggested. Sucralose is immobilized over an acridine derivative 9-9´-diacridyl, yielding a quaternary salt, which is thereby gradually electrochemically reduced to an N-N´-disubstituted acridone derivative. The correspondent mathematical model has been developed and analyzed by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis, and this analysis has shown the high probability of the oscillatory and monotonic instabilities, due to the double electric layer structure changes during all of the stages of the process. Nevertheless, it also confirms the efficiency of 9-9´-diacridyl-modified electrode for sucralose determination in an electroanalytical system, which may be coupled with a fluorescent indicator.

DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i3.1584