A formação do complexo Verbo Leve ni + DP na língua indígena Paumarí (família Arawá)

  • Guilherme Augusto Duarte-Borges Universidade Ferderal do Rio de Janeiro -UFRJ


This paper aims to describe and analyze the verbal complex ni + DP of the Paumarí indigenous language (Arawá family) classified in the descriptive literature of the research-missionaries of the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) as auxiliary + verb (CHAPMAN, 1978; CHAPMAN & DERBYSHIRE, 1991; SALZER & CHAPMAN, 1997). It’s posited that the root categorized ni cannot be classified as auxiliary, given its ability to manipulate the argument structure and being in a structure of events. This verb can appear in polysemous occurrences, either as a full verb or in complex structures, taking a nominal complement, called here Light Verb Construction (LVC). For the analysis, I use the tools of the Distributed Morphology (DM) model of grammar, which proposes that syntax occurs at all levels of derivation, including the internal structure of words (MARANTZ, 1997).


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How to Cite
Duarte-Borges, G. A. (2023). A formação do complexo Verbo Leve ni + DP na língua indígena Paumarí (família Arawá). Papéis: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Estudos De Linguagens - UFMS , 27(53), 20-40. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufms.br/index.php/papeis/article/view/18622