Keywords: Fake News, Veridiction Contract, Intertextuality, Interdiscourse


What do fake news reveal when studied quantitatively? In this paper, with the aim of understanding the persuasive strategies used by the enunciator-destinator towards the enunciatee-destinatee, we will look at the making-believe presupposed in a corpus of fake news denied during the month of January 2023 by the Lupa verification agency. Anchored in Discursive Semiotics, our discussion will prioritize the values at stake in the corpus under study, as well as the themes and discourses that permeate this fake news. To understand the enunciator-destinator's make-believe, our study will also look at the intertextual and interdiscursive relationships that the denied news establishes with other texts/discourses. Finally, our aim is to show some traces of the image of the actor who enunciates the denied texts. Recalling that the subject of the enunciation is an implicit actant logically presupposed by the enunciation, while the actor of the enunciation is defined by the totality of his speeches (GREIMAS; COURTÉS, 2013). The results of this study indicate that, predominantly, the enunciator-destinator of fake news seeks to denigrate the image of the opponents of former president Jair Bolsonaro, while in immanence, the discourse that echoes is that of a good former governor.

Author Biography

Sonia Merith-Claras, UNICENTRO

Professora adjunta da Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (UNICENTRO), em Guarapuava, Paraná. Licenciada em Letras e especialista em Literatura Brasileira pela Faculdade Estadual de Ciências e Letras (FECILCAM). Mestre  e doutora em Estudos da Linguagem pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), com ênfase na formação de professores. Estágio de pós-doutorado sob a supervisão da professora Diana Luz Pessoa de Barros, na Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Atua nas áreas correlatas ao ensino de Língua Portuguesa, como a Prática de Ensino, o Estágio Supervisionado e a Formação inicial e continuada de professores.  Pesquisa a teoria Semiótica Discursiva, relacionando-a ao ensino. Coordena o grupo de pesquisa Ensino de Língua e Literatura da UNICENTRO.


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Sites Pesquisados: Acesso em 28/02/2024.
How to Cite
Merith-Claras, S. (2024). THE SPREAD OF FAKE NEWS IN THE BRAZILIAN POLITICAL CONTEXT AND THE DISCOURSES OF "GOOD" AND "BAD" GOVERNMENT. Papéis: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Estudos De Linguagens - UFMS , 28(55), 117-135.