• Janice Alves Gomes Alves Gomes Instituto Federal de Goiás - Câmpus Uruaçu


In this paper, we analyze the studios of television stations as texts, in other words, a plan of expression set up to produce meaning in the live presidential debate. To develop this study, we used the canonical categories of semi-symbolism by Jean-Marie Floch. According to it, we analyze the debates broadcast by the channels Bandeirantes and Rede Globo from 1989 to 2014. We consider that the studio is figurativized as a process of the voter’s manipulation because the debate is an argumentative strategy, and that being the case, the figurativization of the studio and the disposition of the actants in the enunciative scene produce a meaning that is in line with the expectations of the stations. In the analyses, we concluded by homologating the plane of content in relation to the plane of the expression of the plastic debate space that the elements that compose the eidetic, topological, and chromatic categories are inserted in the enunciative scene, materializing the discourse that the stations intend to transmit, whether they are euphoric or dysphoric concerning the subjects.


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How to Cite
Alves Gomes, J. A. G. (2024). O ESTÚDIO DO DEBATE PRESIDENCIAL AO VIVO: UM ELEMENTO DE PRODUÇÃO DE SENTIDO. Papéis: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Estudos De Linguagens - UFMS , 28(55), 136-161. https://doi.org/10.55028/papeis.v28i55.21149