A Profile of the Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages by Primary School Students of a Public School
This article presents a survey about the consumption of alcoholic beverages by students of a public elementary school in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The objective of the investigation was to verify the existence of the relationship between gender and age with consumption of alcoholic beverages. Thus, it is an investigation of mixed qualitative and quantitative methods that used the chi-square test to analyze the association between variables. Participants in the survey were 116 students in the final grades of Elementary School, aged 13 to 18 years. The instrument of data collection was a questionnaire, and the answers were analyzed using statistical methods. The data collected showed that the majority of the students in the sample investigated consumed alcoholic beverages, and the consumption of the female gender was significantly higher than the male consumption. In addition, consumption tends to increase with age. Asked about the reasons for consumption, a good part of the students reported that they did it because they appreciated the taste. These results show the need to develop educational projects to discuss, together with families, the early consumption of alcoholic beverages and the health problems caused by consumption.
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