Mathematics Education and School Curriculum: a study of mathematics practiced in agricultural technical education
This article aims to discuss the mathematical education practiced in the mathematics discipline and its articulations with the technoscientificity device in the Technical Course in Agriculture of Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul Campus Sertão (IFRS-Sertão).The theoretical supports that support it are mainly found in the formulations of Michel Foucault and his commentators. The research material consists of interviews with recent graduates of IFRS-Sertão, as well as institutional documents - current pedagogical project - and school materials of these students. The analytical exercise on this material (conducted from the perspective of Foucaultian discourse analysis and through the Storytelling approach) made it possible to conclude that: a) at present the pedagogical principle that guides the curriculum of the formation of the Agricultural Technician at IFRS-Sertão is “ learn by research '; b) discourse of mathematical education that currently operates in the Technical Course in Agriculture of IFRS-Sertão can be considered as one of the vectors (but not the only) that constitute the device of technoscientificity.
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