• Antonio Conceição Paranhos Filho
  • Daniela de Sousa Franco Coimbra UFMS
  • Vladmir Oliveira da Silveira


Globalization brings states together in processes of integration and interdependence, resulting in immeasurable effects on the economy. However, given the inseparable link between development and the exploitation of natural resources, the phenomenon likewise impacts the natural environment on a global scale. On this note, the environmental damage that has plagued Brazil, especially due to the imbalances that characterize its multiple relations with rich countries, requires investigation. Thus, by adopting the deductive, bibliographic, and documentary method, the present work analyzes the impacts of globalization on Brazil’s natural environment. To this end, it contextualizes the concept of sustainability from a global scenario, addressing some of the challenges of economic globalization for sustainable development, especially in poor countries. In addition, reflections of the globalized economy on Brazil’s natural environment, especially the displacement of environmental damage from rich to poor nations, are discussed. The results demonstrate that the advanced Brazilian constitutional text reflects the spread of environmental protection as a universal value. However, this new order does not yet reflect the environmental awareness of Brazilian society. Subsequently, economic globalization could represent a force contrary to the maintenance of Brazil’s ecosystems. The expansion of the market allows some companies to relocate polluting activities to poor countries, where the environmental protections are lower or, in practice, even nonexistent due to the lack of supervision.
