Keywords: Intercultural, Innovation, Online Pedagogy, Digital Culture, COVID-19


This paper explores how conversations about digital culture, innovation, and online pedagogy can inform practices accentuated during the pandemic. The immediatism adopted by universities around the world due to the urgency of lockdowns is problematic in many ways. Firstly, the little time to switch to an online environment, advance online delivery, and ensure assessment is undeniable. Second, the extent to which universities were at different levels of digitally ready infrastructure and related staff and students’ development, training, and readiness to learn and teach remotely is also challenging. However, research shows the important role of digital culture in pedagogical choices inside the classroom, as much as it considers how individuals cope with technological innovation in their daily online practices. From a Freirean perspective, pedagogy is reflective and transformative and online pedagogies can reconceptualize knowledge and practice, minimize physical and intangible spaces, and redefine time, constructing new ecologies of learning for an inclusive pedagogy. This paper addresses the above by presenting data from interviews with instructors, administrative staff, and students at three universities in Brazil, Canada, and the UK. This qualitative study uses intercultural concepts of pedagogical innovation, and how participants have adapted their practices in digital culture. We further explore the pedagogical implications of their attitudes towards online learning, the reconstruction of their self-awareness, and aim at corroborating future comprehensions on how COVID-19 will impact higher education. This paper is timely in problematizing concepts that are important to understanding and dealing with digital culture, innovation, and online pedagogies in learning contexts post-COVID.

Author Biographies

Maria Cristina Lima Paniago, Universidade Católica Dom Bosco

Graduated in Letters - Faculdades Unidas Católica de Mato Grosso (1986), a master's degree in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2000) and a PhD in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2000). 2005). Visiting Researcher at the University of Manitoba, Canada (Post-Doctoral Internship) Department of Family Social Science - Faculty of Human Ecology. She is currently a professor at the Graduate Program in Master and Doctoral Education at the Dom Bosco Catholic University (UCDB). She was vice-coordinator of the PPGE-UCDB from 2011 to 2012 and is currently a master's and doctoral advisor in Education. He has experience in the field of Education, working mainly on the following topics: educational technology, distance education, language teaching and learning, teacher training and teaching practices. He is the leader of the Research and Studies Group in Educational Technology and Distance Education (GETED). He is the UCDB representative at the Mato Grosso do Sul State Education Forum (FEEMS) in the GT EAD Working Group. She has been a member of ANPED Nacional since 2005. She was coordinator of GT 16 Education and Communication of ANPEd-CO from 2015 to 2018 and Ad Hoc referee of GT 16 ANPEd Nacional (2016-2019). She has been editor of the Série-Estudos magazine (PPGE-UCDB) since 2014 and a member of the FEPAE Education Area Journal Editors Forum. He is a member of the editorial board of the American Journal of Educational Research and Revista Interações. Training teacher, member of the Pedagogical Support Nucleus (NAP) of the Dom Bosco Catholic University. She is vice-institutional coordinator (UCDB) of the Be_a_DOC Grupo Coimbra. Today, it has a project approved by the CONFAP-CNPq-UK Academies 2018 public notice. Organized and coordinated the Webinar-GETED event in 2011, 2012, 2015 and 2017. Research Productivity Scholarship 2 CNPq.

Gustavo Henrique da Cunha Moura, Brandon University

He is currently a doctoral candidate in Education at the University of Manitoba. Master in Letters from the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul, within the line of research in Enseñanza de Idiomas. The crossing of my work and participation in the investigation, approaching themes of Applied Linguistics, post-structural methodological perspectives and the impact of transculturality in the formation of language teachers. I am licensed in Letters - English from the Catholic University of Dom Bosco. I was an active student of PIBIC (Programa de Iniciación Científica) at Universidad Católica Dom Bosco and an English teacher at the North American Cultural Language School. I have experience in Literature, working mainly on the following topics: teacher training, transculturalism, literacy and technology, language teaching, postmodernity, posestructuralism and autoethnography.

Miriam Brum Arguelho, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul

She holds a PhD in Education from Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (2018), in the line of Pedagogical Practices and their Relations with Teacher Training; Master's in Education - concentration area in Educational Technology, from the University of Minho-UM (2003), postgraduate in Techniques and Contexts of e-Learning, from the University of Coimbra (2005); degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (1999). She is currently an adjunct professor of the Pedagogy course at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Ponta Porã Campus. She is a member of the Research and Studies Group on Educational Technologies and Distance Education - GETED and of the Science With R Research Group - SWR (CNPQ). She currently collaborates in the development of the Research Policies for the Expansion of Distance Education (EaD) in Brazil: Regulation, Quality and Innovation in Question. She has experience in higher education in undergraduate courses in face-to-face and distance modes, working mainly on the following topics: Teacher Training Teaching/Learning; Foundations and Methodologies of Literacy and Literacy. As far as research is concerned, her interests are centered on digital culture and its relationship with teaching/learning processes, critical literacy and multiliteracies.

Cristina Devecchi, University of Northampton

Cristina Devecchi is and Associate Professor and Co-director of the Centre for Education and Research where she is responsible for the PhD programme and PhD admissions. Before joining the University of Northampton, Cristina taught Italian and English to adults and young children in the UK and abroad and worked as a Teaching Learning Support Assistant in a secondary school. She gained an MEd in Special and Inclusive Education, MPhil in Educational Research and a PhD from the University of Cambridge. She currently supervises 12 PhD students using a variety of methodological approaches and researching diverse topics within education. She is the Chair of the Business and Education Research Degree Board and a member of the Faculty of Health, Education and Society's Research and Enterprise Committee.


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How to Cite
Lima Paniago, M. C., da Cunha Moura, G. H., Brum Arguelho, M., & Devecchi, C. (2022). INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUES IN COVID-19. Edutec - Education, Digital Technologies, and Teacher Education, 2(1), 1-21.