Keywords: Digital Equity, Digital Divide, Participation Divide, Technological Capital, Critical Pedagogy


It seems indisputable that the development of digital technologies has brought significant changes both in the forms of sociocultural production and in communication models and in the dynamics of participatory citizenship. As both result and reflection of the societies in which it operates, education is not exempt from these changes. However, the incorporation of digital technologies in the educational field is complex and uneven. The digital divide and the gaps in multiliteracies in teachers and students become even more evident as the educational community struggles with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic scenario that took place in 2020. As a result, it is clear that the successful incorporation of digital technologies in education is not just a matter of huge investments in infrastructure, but a political one. The critical discussion on this issue encompasses interdisciplinary concepts beyond the field of education, such as technological capital and participatory exclusion. Thus, this conceptual paper aims to be the starting point to stimulate a deeper reflection on digital equity in education, illuminating relevant topics that help to understand how the hype of digital educational technology can reproduce the inequality embedded in capitalist societies – In particular, on issues that seep into the inequities experienced in these societies and the myths derived from the belief that digital technologies are the panacea for education, capable of solving problems of deeper and more complex natures.

Author Biography

Bruna Damiana Heinsfeld, University of Texas at San Antonio

Doutoranda em Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching, com concentração em Learning, Design, and Technology na University of Texas at San Antonio, nos Estados Unidos. Mestre em Educação pela PUC-Rio, com foco em Linguagens Digitais, Mídia e Educação, especialista em Planejamento, Implementação e Gestão da Educação a Distância pela UFF, e graduada em Letras pela UERJ. Coautora dos livros “Tecnologias, pensamento sistêmico e os fundamentos da inovação pedagógica” (2019) e “Práticas pedagógicas, inovação e tecnologias: breves indagações” (2018). Pesquisa concepções e discursos sobre tecnologia na educação.


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How to Cite
Heinsfeld, B. D. (2022). CRITICAL PEDAGOGY, TECHNOLOGICAL CAPITAL, AND PARTICIPATORY EXCLUSION. Edutec - Education, Digital Technologies, and Teacher Education, 2(1), 1-21.