Educational Practices and Training Processes:

Historical-Cultural and Critical Perspectives

  • Claudia Regina Giaretta UFMS
Keywords: Educational Practices. Human Development. Formative Processor. School Education.


This article analyzes the relationship between educational practices and training processes for the comprehensive training of students. The qualitative research, anchored in the literature review, highlights the humanizing function of the school, which is related to the development of socially mediated higher psychic functions. Theories of historical-cultural psychology and historical-critical pedagogy are explored to highlight how school education contributes to the appropriation of historically systematized knowledge and the development of critical consciousness. Planned pedagogical mediation is essential for students to develop theoretical concepts and cognitive skills, promoting meaningful learning. The article concludes that the teacher's intentional action, based on theoretical and practical precepts, enables educational processes aligned with the best human possibilities.

How to Cite
Giaretta, C. R. (2024). Educational Practices and Training Processes: . Revista GESTO-Debate, 24(01).