Conhecimentos ramificados

Apontamentos sobre a interdisciplinaridade na Escrita Criativa

  • Gabriel Eduardo Bortulini PUCRS


Creative Writing is still recent as academic area in Brazil. Although its matrix is ​​literature, the literary studies seem to be insuficient for the discipline, which generates theoretical knowledge, but also seeks to create new artistic works as far. In addition to being a little explored field, it requires interdisciplinarity, indispensable for the growth of Creative Writing within the academy, which can often generate obstacles for students and teachers. This article aims to problematize the traditional structures of teaching writing, proposing some ways that interact to other areas of knowledge: ways that are not always clear, but inevitable.


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ALMADA, Magdalena Gomes; BENATTI, Andre Rezende; RAMOS, Wellington Furtado. OLIVEIRA, Bella Beatriz Martins Gomes. Literatura em perspectivas transdisciplinares: diálogos com saberes outros (1). Revista Papéis, 2024, DOI:

How to Cite
Bortulini, G. E. (2024). Conhecimentos ramificados. Papéis: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Estudos De Linguagens - UFMS , 26(52), 20-32.
Artigos - Literatura, Estudos Comparados e Interartes