Notation and textualization

methodological discussion on the analysis of social practices

  • Letícia Moraes USP
Keywords: Textualization, Practices, Methodology, Notation, Semiotics


In this work, we will approach the issue of social practices from a methodological point of view, calling into question the use of notation as a tool for approaching unstabilized objects on a stable support. The concept of social practices as a semiotic object has been disseminated in the last decades in the discipline, thanks to research carried out by Fontanille (2008a; 2011), Basso Fossali (2006), Basso Fossali and Dondero (2007), Violli (2008), among others semioticians. We therefore propose a critical reading of the work of Dondero (2014; 2015; 2017), which presents the notation as a resource that does not belong to textualization. Our proposal, on the contrary, highlights notation as one of the possible types of textualization, allowing us to conjecture the practices within the scope of the textual instance. The present investigation aims to continue the discussion about the limits and expansions of the semiotic, considering, therefore, the text, in its broadest sense, as a synonym for semiotic object.


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How to Cite
Moraes, L. (2021). Notation and textualization. Papéis: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Estudos De Linguagens - UFMS , 25(49), 064-079. Retrieved from
Artigos - Linguística e Semiótica