Resenha da obra "La tension politique. Pour une sémiotique da la conflictualité", de Juan Alonso Aldama

  • Oriana Fulaneti Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Keywords: Sémiotique; Politics; Discours politique; Conflict×


The text consists of a review of the work "La tension politique. Pour une sémiotique da la conflictualité", by Juan Alonso Aldama, published in Paris, in November 2023. The study of politics from a semiotic point of view takes as its central element the notion of strategy, around which the four parts of the work are organized: the definition of strategy itself and its challenges; the relationships between process and event in the discursive development of politics; modal questions relating to certainty and uncertainty; passionate dimension as an essential component of the politician’s existence. The different political issues are addressed with special attention to “reasons” such as “waiting”, “intimidation”, “ultimatum”, “surrender”, “spies, clandestine”, “resistance”, “revenge”, etc. Inspired by ethnosemiotics, these motifs are transversal elements, present in different cultures and contexts, but which make up the meaning of the political. The author proposes to build a general theorization of politics between the major structuring configurations (the four parts) and the motives of its dramaturgy. An effort that results in the possibility of proposing a model for analyzing the meaning of politics as a whole.


ALONSO ALDAMA, Juan. La tension politique. Pour une sémiotique de la conflictualité. Paris, H’Harmattan, collection “Sémioses”, 2023, 308p.
How to Cite
Fulaneti, O. (2024). Resenha da obra "La tension politique. Pour une sémiotique da la conflictualité", de Juan Alonso Aldama. Papéis: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Estudos De Linguagens - UFMS , 28(55), 162-170.