American Teachers' Practices and Services for Gifted and Talented/High Ability Students


In this study, data on teacher training and knowledge about gifted and talented/high-ability (GT/HA) students, GT/HA identification, and classroom practices are presented. Teachers from two schools from two small cities in the state of Indiana, United States, participated in the study. Data were analyzed through Content Analysis, using the IRAMUTEQ Software. This theoretical essay reveals the possibility that the practical implementation of GT/HA education legislation, at the federal, state, or local levels, is the difference between that state and Brazil. Suggestions for how to put into practice the current legislation regarding GT/HA students are presented, based on the findings for the two schools, which limits the generalizability of findings, as what we observed reflects years of experience of work with GT/HA education and efforts to tailor educational practices to the needs of each student

How to Cite
Rondini, C. A. (2022). American Teachers’ Practices and Services for Gifted and Talented/High Ability Students. Revista GESTO-Debate, 22(01-31).