The Importance of Critical Consciousness in Education for Sustainable Development

Keywords: Critical Education, Sustainable Development, Critical Consciousness, Social Transformation, Challenges


This article discusses critical approaches in education for sustainable development, emphasizing the importance of critical consciousness, the critique of traditional education, the transformative role of education, and the challenges of implementing these approaches. Authors such as Freire, Sen, Giroux, and Orr highlight the need for reflective, dialogic, and transformative education, surpassing fragmented and homogenizing approaches. Formal and non-formal education is recognized as a powerful tool to promote awareness, responsibility, and action for sustainability. However, resistance to change and outdated institutional structures pose challenges to the implementation of critical approaches. Therefore, it is essential to promote transformative education that goes beyond the classroom, establishing connections with the community and the environment.

Author Biography

Rodger Roberto Alves de Sousa, GEBE OPORTUNIDADES

PhD candidate in Indigenous Iridology at Erich Fromm University (2023-2025)
This is the end of the Degree in Physical Education course at Unifaveni and the specialization courses: Teaching and Management in Basic Education; Public Management and Business Logistics and MBA in Public Administration from FacuMinas and Specialization in Advanced Iridology from FACEI - Faculdade Einstein.
Graduated in Pedagogy from Faculdade Alfamérica (2016) and graduated in Technology in Human Resources Management from Universidade Católica de Brasília (2011).
He has specializations in Clinical and Business Psychopedagogy and an MBA in People Management from the Catholic University of Brasília. And Teaching in Higher Education at Faculdade Alfamérica (2016).
He has a Technical Course in Occupational Safety by ETEBRAS (2016).
He is the Founder of the Social Jobs Group - GEBE Oportunidades, since 2011.
Has experience in Psychology, with emphasis on Psychopedagogy; tutoring; evaluation of scientific works; tutoring ead.

How to Cite
Sousa, R. R. A. de. (2023). The Importance of Critical Consciousness in Education for Sustainable Development. Revista GESTO-Debate, 23(01-30).
Práticas Educativas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável