Research on Affectivity in Mathematical Education in the area’s periodic in the period from 2015 to 2019
This research, qualitative, aims to investigate what are the interests and contributions of research on affectivity in mathematics education manifested in the periodic Science and Mathematics Teaching area with qualis Capes A1, A2 and B1 in the 2015 period to 2019. For that, we searched in the publications of 36 magazines, national and international, articles that presented in their titles, abstracts or keywords, the expression Affectivity and others related. After selecting the articles, we sought to identify the objectives, interests and contributions of the research, as well as the authors' understandings about affectivity. The results denote the need for investments in research on the theme, as well as highlighting the importance of teachers paying attention to the issue of affectivity and its implications in the context of mathematics classes. Still, it is necessary to reframe “being an affective teacher” and the role of affectivity in the classroom.
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