Investigative Mathematics Tasks of High Cognitive Demand

Keywords: Mathematics Education. Teacher Education. Mathematical Tasks. Cognitive Demand. Investigative Tasks.


This article presents some results of a research on teacher education for teaching situations, which involve professional practices such as interpreting, anticipating and deciding. Examples of investigative tasks in Mathematics are presented with the goal of interpreting with teachers how to observe mathematical tasks, plan teaching, look at the teaching itself and interpret the mathematical thinking of students to justify new lines of action. These examples are core practices developed by the Curricular Studies Group (GECEM) and are based on the recognition and interpretation of the cognitive demand of tasks, anticipation of students' responses and decision of new courses of action based on the interpretation of students' responses and classroom events. The results indicate that teachers in initial and continuing education need to solve the tasks, reflecting on their didactic possibilities as a means of developing professional competencies that improve teaching practice.

Author Biography

Claudia Lisete Oliveira Groenwald, ULBRA

Doutora em Ciências da Educação pela Universidade de Salamanca na Espanha, e Pós-doutora em Educação Matemática pela Universidade de La Laguna em Tenerife, Espanha


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How to Cite
HOMA, A. I. R.; GROENWALD, C. L. O.; LLINARES, S. C. Investigative Mathematics Tasks of High Cognitive Demand. Perspectivas da Educação Matemática, v. 16, n. 42, p. 1-22, 18 May 2023.
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