Autisms in a Historical-Cultural Perspective

Keywords: Autism, Disability, Historical-Cultural Perspective, Social Movements


The goal of this research was to place autism in the multiple historical contradictions and establish mediation to understand it, in addition to its appearance. To this end, we investigated how autism expression and the main representatives of autism studies appeared until the diagnostic developments in contemporary times. We analyze the contributions presented in the Historical-Cultural perspective, which provides us with tools to understand atypical development, as a singular way of existence in its multiple determination. The history of the autism concept impacts the social dynamics, in which constitutes the transformation biography of each person with autism. We conclude that a human emancipation will succeed only when disabled and non-disabled, autistic and non-autistic people are involved in the broad mobilizations of expressions of diversity, with the goal for social transformations.

How to Cite
de Paoli, J., & Fernandes Lootens Machado, P. (2022). Autisms in a Historical-Cultural Perspective. Revista GESTO-Debate, 6(01-31).