The Challenges Of Teaching Practice During The Period Of Emergence Remote Teaching

Keywords: Teaching Practice. Emergency Remote Teaching. Social isolation.


The COVID-19 pandemic imposed social isolation in much of the world, the consequences were felt in all areas of society. Education was no exception, the sudden change from the in-person educational model to emergency remote teaching presented the great vulnerability of education and the individuals involved in it. Therefore, this study, through mapping, seeks to understand the challenges encountered in teaching practice during this period of social isolation. The intersection of studies that make up the map leads us to two central axes of discussion: the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDICs) and the challenges of teaching practice in Emergency Remote Teaching (ERE). Socioeconomic vulnerability, lack of access to digital media and lack of continuing training brought several challenges to teachers in their teaching practice.

How to Cite
Sobral, F. R., Corrêa Pereira, E., & da Silva Saggimo, L. (2024). The Challenges Of Teaching Practice During The Period Of Emergence Remote Teaching. Revista GESTO-Debate, 24(01).