• Márcio Sales Santiago UFRN
  • José Helder de Lima Costa


Within the field of specialized communication, the required knowledge of the translator goes beyond the linguistic domain, particularly when the translation purpose is to produce a target text suitable to the target audience’s cultural reality. Based on this finding, our work aimed at analyzing the translation practice of English-to-Portuguese distribution agreement through Terminology and Translation. To achieve the said objective, we applied a methodological analysis of lexical and translation choices of phraseological units that were recurrent in the said agreements, which were translated by sworn translators and independent translators. The choices were confronted with their equivalent terminological definitions as per terminological dictionaries. During the analytical process, we could verify that many translation choices were based on the strict observance of textual gender conventions. It was further possible to verify a certain number of phraseological units known as binomial types.


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How to Cite
Santiago, M. S., & Costa, J. H. de L. (2020). UNIDADES FRASEOLÓGICAS EM CONTRATOS DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO NO PAR DE LÍNGUAS INGLÊS-PORTUGUÊS. Papéis: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Estudos De Linguagens - UFMS , 24(47). Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufms.br/index.php/papeis/article/view/12062
Artigos - Linguística e Semiótica