The imagetic-cognitive discursive argumentation of aspects of environmental sustainability in "charges" and cartoons: critical humor strategies through conceptual metaphors

Palavras-chave: Environmental sustainability, Cartoons, Cognition, Argumentation, Metaphor


This study aims to investigate how the imagetic-cognitive discursive argumentation of cartoons and cartoons is built under the character of sustainability. Our goal is to demonstrate how argumentation can be understood from the cognitive point of view and how metaphors can be part of the argumentative game of these types of genres. The theoretical bias of Lakoff (1987; 2006) will be adopted to explain the metaphor on the cognitive plane, as a natural process of the human mind, that is, a form of thought. In the imagery of the genres under study, the analysis will be performed from Peirce's semiotics to understand the functioning of the image. Perelman's theory (1996) to explain the author's conception of argumentation as a form of persuasion. We observed the epididical discourses as those that appeal to socially shared values, that is, how environmental sustainability is conceptualized and understood. As a methodological character, the corpus linguistics will be carried out from a base analysis with textual data of speeches in “charges” and cartoons, published in the journalistic media for the composition of a corpus of analysis focused on environmental sustainability. Discourse analysis will be used to understand the argumentative scope of these discursive genres. 

Biografia do Autor

Priscilla Chantal Duarte Silva, Universidade Federal de Itajubá

Professor of Federal University of Itajubá. Postdoctoral Culture and Communication - University
of Lisbon. Phd Linguistics and Portuguese Language. E-mail:

Maria Clotilde Almeida, Universidade de Lisboa

Professor of University of Lisbon - Program in Culture and Communication - Faculty of
Humanities of the University of Lisbon. Phd Germanic Linguistics. Senior Researcher in Cognitive
Linguistics –University of Lisbon. Postdoctoral supervisor – Project Green Energy in the light of
metaphors and metonymia in environmental sustainability discourses. E-mail:


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Como Citar
Chantal Duarte Silva, P., & Clotilde Almeida, M. (2020). The imagetic-cognitive discursive argumentation of aspects of environmental sustainability in "charges" and cartoons: critical humor strategies through conceptual metaphors. Papéis: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Estudos De Linguagens - UFMS , 24(47), 103-131. Recuperado de
Artigos - Linguística e Semiótica