Semiotics and 19th century feminism

possibilities for analysis from the feminist press

  • Vanessa Pastorini USP
Keywords: Feminism, Discourse Semiotics, France, 19th Century


The present article aims to undertake an analysis that incorporates discursive semiotics as a theoretical foundation, aligned, to some extent, with the propositions raised by feminist theory, especially to study women from the material they produced (PERROT, 2015). We take, as corpus of study, a 'feminist' newspaper, La Fronde, published in the second half of the 19th century. From the generative meaning path, we shed light on the persuasive maneuvers established between destinator and destinatory, and their concretization at the discourse level. We also understand the ethos and the páthos, or image of the enunciator and the enunciatee. The results allow us to reflect on the possibilities of dialogues of the use of semiotics as a tool for the understanding of women's history.


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Links de acesso ao La Fronde

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How to Cite
Pastorini, V. (2021). Semiotics and 19th century feminism. Papéis: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Estudos De Linguagens - UFMS , 25(49), 138-159. Retrieved from
Artigos - Linguística e Semiótica