• Eric Cheung College of Professional and Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Palavras-chave: Specialization, Advertising Discourse, Credibility-Building Strategies, English for Specific Purposes, Content-Language Integrated Learning


Advertising discourse instruction challenges English-for-Specific-Purposes (ESP) teachers with no advertising specialist background. Teaching persuasive language structure and choice may develop students' linguistic repertoires for realizing advertising strategies in copywriting assignments; however, the rationale for deploying particular strategies and the underlying principles forming the strategies may remain invisible to both the ESP teacher and students. Considering this, the present study adopts the concepts of Specialization for revealing the knowledge-knower structure of brand credibility and conceptualizing credibility-building strategies as Specialization codes. This paper also describes how the knowledge about brand credibility and credibility-building strategies were applied and taught in a marketing and public relations (MPR) writing course. The conceptualization, recontextualization, and transfer of such knowledge shed light on how ESP teachers can integrate their knowledge about language into subject knowledge for more effective design and planning of the ESP courses.


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Biografia do Autor

Eric Cheung, College of Professional and Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Lecturer of Division of Languages and Communication in College of Professional and Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His major research interests include Systemic Functional Linguistics, Legitimation Code Theory, academic discourse analysis, literacy pedagogy and metaphor. He is also Associate Editor of Linguistics and the Human Sciences.


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